Hurricane Safety for Seniors at Home


As hurricane season approaches, it’s essential to prioritize the safety and well-being of our senior loved ones, who may face unique challenges during severe weather events. As a caregiver or concerned family member, taking proactive measures and preparing an effective safety plan can make a significant difference in ensuring the comfort and security of seniors at home. In this blog post, We at Assist-Med, Inc. will discuss valuable hurricane safety tips tailored explicitly for seniors. As your primary provider of home care in Houston, Texas, we are happy to provide you with this information.

  • Stay Informed
    Keeping abreast of weather updates and emergency notifications is crucial. Encourage your senior loved ones to sign up for local emergency alerts, weather apps, or emergency notification systems provided by their community or local government. Should you need help, you can call home care services for assistance.
  • Secure the Home
    Preventive measures to secure the home can help mitigate potential damage during a hurricane. We recommend installing storm shutters or plywood panels to protect windows from high winds and flying debris. It would help if you also secured or brought inside any loose items, such as patio furniture or potted plants, that could become dangerous projectiles in strong winds. Having caregivers can make this easier for you.
  • Maintain Communication
    Regularly check in with your senior loved ones, like the ones in an adult day care in Texas, during a hurricane to ensure their safety and provide reassurance. Establish a communication plan with designated family members to stay updated on their well-being. 

By following these hurricane safety tips specifically designed for seniors at home, you can help protect and support your beloved elders during challenging weather conditions.

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caregiver and an elderly couple chatting